
reporter Wu Yuehui

from Beijing on August (reporter Wu Yuehui) 31, according to Thomson Reuters (Thomson Reuters) recently released the 2014 global list of highly cited scientists, Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macao) a total of 134 people were selected in 2014 "highly cited scientist", ranking fourth in the world, second only to American (1702 people), the http://www.applefish123.com/ UK (304) and German (163).

, Chinese Academy of Sciences has 46 researchers selected, accounting for the selected number 34%, in the scientific research institutions and colleges and universities in the first, and there are 5 people in two subject areas at the same time.

global http://www.appleapphome.com/ "published in the highly cited scientist" list is the latest data and advanced algorithm used by Thomson Reuters, was evaluated based on 21 field university division from 2002 to 2012 were included in SCI natural and social science papers, and belongs to the field of the same year he cites rank statistics the first 1% papers.

in the "list of highly cited http://www.jugemblog.com scientists", means that the scholars have http://www.cheapdenverbroncosjerseysblog.com world-class http://www.mymusic666.com/ influence in the field of research, the results of scientific research has made a greater contribution to the development of the field.

(original title: the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 46 from this year's global "highly cited scientist")

